Tired of logging into analytics and seeing no results? Stuck on what recipe content is your niche and ideas that you can rank for? Want to create content that gets you paid by advertisers and generates passive income?  You need a well-seasoned SEO strategy, and I can help with that.

let's make sure people see it.

You spend so much time on your content.

book now →

I’m a little different than most food content SEO strategists or agencies in that I know food and understand recipes inside and out. I can find ways to name a recipe differently or suggest content to write about that could help you rank above your competitors to boost your post’s rankings and user experience. Together, let's develop a well-seasoned SEO strategy.

A recipe SEO strategist who is also a food expert? Now that's a new concept.


SEO Services for
Food Industry Pros

i need this

content creators
food stylists
food photographers
& More

If blog post writing is something you dread every time you get to that stage in the process, maybe you should outsource! 

Blog Post Writing

Stuck on what content to include on a recipe topic? Let’s work together to outline the structure so writing becomes a breeze. 

Content Planning

Have the keywords researched for you—both primary and secondary—so you can plug them into your content seamlessly. 

Keyword Research

Every package begins with a site content audit. From there, we can decide if you need...

Your old recipes are still great, so let’s give them an SEO boost with new keywords and strategy for amazing results. 

Updating Old Posts

the Best part? with my packages for SEO,  you get a monthly report and content tracking system so you never feel lost on your analytics ever again. 

Laura’s skills are the ultimate combination of expertise for my business. She is not only a pleasure to work with, but has a collaborative spirit and joyful enthusiasm for every project. She delivers timely, constructive, and business-building content that is unique to the needs of my company.

"I have not found anyone else who understands both my SEO needs, AND food and recipes so well.

i need this!

Clear topics and content to write about

An organized tracking system for content

A manageable monthly plan with goals


Staring at the blank computer screen

Lost about blog posts and keywords

Avoiding SEO research and strategy

Go from...

Ready to get started? Let's do this!

I work with brands both big and small because everyone has a different SEO goal and desire. Let’s schedule a discovery call! I can’t wait to learn about your business.

inquire now

The free SEO guide you'll want by your side all the time when creating content. Trust me, enter your email below and it'll be waiting in your inbox! 

The 7 Essential Steps for an SEO-Optimized Blog Post

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