I want to help you solve your kitchen conundrums so you can get back in the kitchen doing what you love: whether that be through recipe development, content creation, or SEO strategy   If you’re a food brand, creator, or blogger looking for a sous chef in food media support, then you’re in the right place. 

Your plate is overflowing and it’s taken the joy out of cooking.

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An SEO strategy is essential for your content to be recognized and ranked by Google in a search queue. Do you want your content in the cool kids club (aka ,on page 1)? I can help with that. And better yet, as a food expert, I will understand the ins and outs of your recipe through and through.

SEO for Food Bloggers & Creators

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I’m an Emmy-nominated culinary television producer as well an award-winning digital video producer for viral content. Making your food content look approachable and, more importantly, insanely delicious is my forte. Having fun during the process is just the icing on the cake. 

Food Industry Content Creation

I’ve worked on over 30 cookbooks, including some NYT Bestsellers and James Beard Nominated books. I've got clear systems to keep you on schedule, and I’m here to coach you through any and all the book stages: proposal, landing the book deal, beginning the book, testing and writing 100 recipes, and lastly editing.

Cookbook Consulting

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You’ve tried to recreate grandma’s secret cake recipe four times and it just won’t work. Don’t you wish you could have someone else who understands recipes to give it a shot? I’ve developed thousands of recipes for large food brands like POM Wonderful and tv shows like The Chew—and guess what? You're next.

Recipe Development 

"There’s no culinary conundrum she can't solve, no challenge she can't tackle, and no dish she can't make look absolutely beautiful. 

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