You have a lot on your plate...and I'd love to help. Whether it be recipe development, video/photography, cookbook writing, or SEO strategy for your website, let's get cookin' to make your content Dang Good.

for food media professionals, brands, creators and bloggers

Food Media, SEO Strategy, & Content Creation Studio

Services include Everything but the kitchen sink:

Recipe Development/Testing

Video & Photo Content Creation

Cookbook Consulting

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SEO Strategy for Bloggers

Hi there, I'm
Laura Arnold.

food expert, the kitchen is my happy place.

Ever since I moved to NYC over 10 years ago, food has been my passion and purpose. I've gone from culinary school grad to Emmy-nominated TV producer, award-winning cookbook coach, and viral content creator. I love helping brands and bloggers make their recipes pop online.

My superpower is taking your content from meh to mouthwatering! Whether you need recipe development, a social media boost, or to finally write that cookbook, I'll sprinkle in my chef skills and digital know-how to cook up content that sizzles.

Think of me as the salt that seasons your brand to perfection!

more about me

"I have not found anyone else who understands both my SEO needs, AND food and recipes so well."

The free SEO guide you'll want by your side all the time when creating content. trust me, enter your email below and it'll be waiting in your inbox! 

7 Essential Steps for an SEO Optimized Blog Post

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Let's Go SEO! get the free guide:

Ready to outsource the annoying stuff so that you can focus on what you really love about cooking?

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